Sunday, June 12, 2011

In My Perspective

In my Perspective, 
I have done everything, I have seen everything
Anything that is need to be seen, I have seen it
Living in this country made me realize a lot of stuff
How much we have taken stuff for granted
Many other countries are fighting to just keep a piece of bread on the table
Families are living are less than a dollar a day
Before taking advantage of something that you already have,
Think of others out there.

In my Perspective,
This planet called Earth may never see the bright of day
World peace is a myth, a little story to tell children and grand children
This world created by God will always be divided 
Nobody will be able to settle the difference between the individual  
There will always be a person starving, a person begging for food
Others do not see it my way
What could I say, I'm just a kid trying to make a difference in society
And in this society only one person has the power to change everything
No, not the rich, not the people with power.....
Only God himself can fix the situation we are all into
So let's all be thankful to God for giving us what we got
Because somewhere in the world, someone will give anything to be in your place.

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